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All You Need to Know for a Daddy Do-over


Tummy tucks for men are at an all time high. Dr. Jeffrey Schreiber, a top plastic surgeon in Baltimore, can provide you with all of the information you need prior to the procedure. Fluctuations in weight accompanied with aging make tummy tucks, also known as abdominoplasty, desirable for men who want to regain the toned look in their abdominal area they had when they were younger.

Some patients looking to add tone to their abdomen will be good candidates for a tummy tuck while others might benefit more from liposuction. A quick discussion with a Baltimore cosmetic surgery specialist will help find the right procedure for you. Typically those best suited for a tummy tuck are in decent shape but looking to address issues of loose skin around the stomach or stubborn pockets of fat that can’t be addressed through regular dieting and exercise. When you meet to discuss a tummy tuck in Baltimore you will also discuss your medical history, lifestyle and exercise habits, past cosmetic procedures, and whatever concerns you have heading into the procedure.

Prior to the tummy tuck it’s necessary to begin thinking about your recovery period. Take some time to postpone significant plans, exercise, and various other commitments until you are sure you’ll have recovered following the tummy tuck. Let friends and family know about the procedure so they can help you during the two to three week recovery period and arrange for some time off from work. Your plastic surgeon in Baltimore will provide you with additional instructions at the consultation that are tailored to your specific lifestyle and needs.

The tummy tuck procedure itself is a fairly straightforward one. It takes between two and five hours and is done under general anesthesia. Your surgeon tightens the skin around the abdomen to make it more firm and may also use liposuction to get rid of excess deposits of fat and also to contour the area. Before you know it, you’ll be waking up and the procedure is done. Following the procedure your surgeon will again remind you of ways to help your recovery and make it as comfortable as possible.

Dr. Schreiber is a past President of the Maryland Plastic Surgeon Society as well as a recipient of the 100 Award. He will happily discuss your cosmetic surgery needs including a tummy tuck during consultation. To set up a consultation or speak to a friendly staff member at Baltimore Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Center, call (410) 205-1846.

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